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Responses from the API use HTTP response codes to indicate overview classes of success and error. Error responses contain more detail about the error in the response body, in the error_code and error_message properties. Here is an example error response body for a requesting a non-existent resource:

"status_code": 404,
"endpoint": "/v1/record/123",
"error_code": "record_not_exists",
"error_message": "Record does not exist(123)!"
400invalid_jsonThe request body could not be decoded as JSON.
400invalid_request_urlThe request URL is not valid.
400invalid_requestThis request is not supported.
400validation_errorThe request body does not match the schema for the expected parameters. Check the "message" property for more details.
401unauthorizedThe bearer token is not valid.
403restricted_resourceGiven the bearer token used, the client doesn't have permission to perform this operation.
404not_foundGiven the bearer token used, the resource does not exist. This error can also indicate that the resource has not been shared with owner of the bearer token.
409conflict_errorThe transaction could not be completed, potentially due to a data collision. Make sure the parameters are up to date and try again.
429too_many_requetsThis request exceeds the number of requests allowed. Slow down and try again. More details on rate limits
500internal_server_errorAn unexpected error occurred. Reach out to Tape support.