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Retrieve apps for a workspace


Retrieve all apps for the workspace with ID 200 (Note that the response does not contain the fields):

➡️    Request
curl \
-u user_key_replace_with_your_api_key:
⬅️    Response
"total": 2,
"apps": [
"app_id": 1,
"workspace_id": 200,
"name": "Tasks",
"slug": "tasks",
"config": {
"item_name": "Task",
"name": "Tasks",
"description": ""
"app_id": 2,
"workspace_id": 200,
"name": "Projects",
"slug": "projects",
"config": {
"item_name": "Project",
"name": "Projects",
"description": ""

Retrieve all available apps


Retrieve all apps inside the workspaces that you have access to (Note that the response does not contain the fields):

➡️    Request
curl \
-u user_key_replace_with_your_api_key:
⬅️    Response
"total": 3,
"apps": [
"app_id": 1,
"workspace_id": 200,
"name": "Tasks",
"slug": "tasks",
"config": {
"item_name": "Task",
"name": "Tasks",
"description": ""
"app_id": 2,
"workspace_id": 200,
"name": "Projects",
"slug": "projects",
"config": {
"item_name": "Project",
"name": "Projects",
"description": ""
"app_id": 3,
"workspace_id": 300,
"name": "Contacts",
"slug": "contacts",
"config": {
"item_name": "Contact",
"name": "Contacts",
"description": ""

Retrieve a single app


Retrieve an app with fields by its ID 1:

➡️    Request
curl \
-u user_key_replace_with_your_api_key:
⬅️    Response

"app_id": 1,
"workspace_id": 200,
"name": "Tasks",
"slug": "tasks",
"config": {
"item_name": "Task",
"name": "Tasks",
"description": ""
"fields": [
"field_id": 1,
"external_id": "full_name",
"label": "Full Name",
"type": "text",
"field_type": "single_text",
"config": {
"description": null,
"required": false,
"label": "FST",
"settings": {
"format": "plain",
"size": "small"

Retrieve views for an app


Retrieve all team views of an app via the app ID 1:

➡️    Request
curl \
-u user_key_replace_with_your_api_key:
⬅️    Response
views: [
"id": 500,
"view_id": 500,
"app_id": 1,
"name": "Open Tasks",
"is_default": true
"id": 501,
"view_id": 501,
"app_id": 1,
"name": "Completed Tasks",
"is_default": false
total: 2

Create an App


Create a new app within a workspace. The request body contains the following fields:

  • workspace_id: The ID of the workspace to create the app in. The requesting user needs to have permission to "create and edit" apps in this workspace.
  • name (required): Name of the app.
  • item_name (required): Name of the records within the app.
  • description (optional): Description of the app.
  • fields (optional): An array of fields to create with the app. See the field documentation for more information. The provided fields will be created with the same order as provided in the array.
  • icon (optional): Icon of the app. See the icon documentation for more information.
  • item_icon (optional): Icon of the records within the app. See the icon documentation for more information.

Here is an example request body for creating a contacts app within a workspace with ID 1. The app contains a single_text field "Name", and a multi_text field "Notes"

➡️    Request

curl -X POST \
-u user_key_replace_with_your_api_key: \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data '{
"workspace_id": 1,
"name": "Contacts",
"item_name": "Contact",
"description": "A simple contact app.",
"icon": {
"id": "person",
"type": "graphic"
"item_icon": {
"emoji": "🧑",
"type": "emoji"
"fields": [
"field_type": "single_text",
"config": {
"label": "Name",
"description": "The full name of the contact.",
"required": true
"field_type": "multi_text",
"config": {
"label": "Notes",
"description": "Notes about the contact.",
"required": false
⬅️    Response
"app_id": 1,
"workspace_id": 1,
"slug": "contacts",
"external_id": "contacts",
"name": "Contacts",
"record_name": "Contact",
"item_name": "Contact",
"description": "A simple contact app.",
"position": 0,
"config": {
"description": "A simple contact app.",
"item_name": "Contact",
"name": "Contacts",
"icon": {
"type": "graphic",
"id": "person"
"item_icon": {
"emoji": "🧑",
"type": "emoji"
"fields": [
"field_id": 10,
"external_id": "name",
"slug": "name",
"label": "Name",
"type": "text",
"field_type": "single_text",
"config": {
"label": "Name",
"slug": "name",
"external_id": "name",
"delta": "O1",
"position": "O1",
"description": "The full name of the contact.",
"required": true,
"always_hidden": false,
"hidden_if_empty": false,
"settings": {
"formatted": false
"field_id": 20,
"external_id": "notes",
"slug": "notes",
"label": "Notes",
"type": "text",
"field_type": "multi_text",
"config": {
"label": "Notes",
"slug": "notes",
"external_id": "notes",
"delta": "f{",
"position": "f{",
"description": "Notes about the contact.",
"required": false,
"always_hidden": false,
"hidden_if_empty": false,
"settings": {
"formatted": true

Update an App


Update an existing app. The request body contains the following fields:

  • name (optional): Name of the app.
  • item_name (optional): Name of the records within the app.
  • description (optional): Description of the app.
  • fields (optional): An array of fields to create/update. See the field documentation for more information. The provided fields will be created with the same order as provided in the array. Existing fields that specify a field_id will be updated.
  • fields_to_delete (optional): An array of fields to delete within the request. Existing elements from the fields property can be added to this array to delete them. The field_id of the field to delete needs to be provided.
  • icon (optional): Icon of the app. See the icon documentation for more information.
  • item_icon (optional): Icon of the records within the app. See the icon documentation for more information.

Here is an example request body for updating the previously created contacts app.

The request removes the "Name" field and adds a new single_text field "First Name" and a single_text field "Last Name". The Notes field is neither provided within the fields array nor the fields_to_delete array, so it will not be changed.

➡️    Request

curl -X PUT \
-u user_key_replace_with_your_api_key: \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data '{
"fields": [
"field_type": "single_text",
"config": {
"label": "First Name",
"description": "The first name of the contact.",
"required": true
"field_type": "single_text",
"config": {
"label": "Last Name",
"description": "The last name of the contact.",
"required": true
"fields_to_delete": [
"field_id": 10
⬅️    Response
"app_id": 1,
"workspace_id": 1,
"slug": "contacts",
"name": "Contacts",
"item_name": "Contact",
"description": "A simple contact app.",
"position": 0,
"config": {
"description": "A simple contact app.",
"item_name": "Contact",
"name": "Contacts",
"icon": {
"type": "graphic",
"id": "person"
"fields": [
"field_id": 3,
"slug": "first_name",
"label": "First Name",
"type": "text",
"field_type": "single_text",
"config": {
"label": "First Name",
"slug": "first_name",
"description": "The first name of the contact.",
"required": true,
"always_hidden": false,
"hidden_if_empty": false,
"settings": {
"formatted": false
"field_id": 4,
"external_id": "last_name",
"slug": "last_name",
"label": "Last Name",
"type": "text",
"field_type": "single_text",
"config": {
"label": "Last Name",
"slug": "last_name",
"description": "The last name of the contact.",
"required": true,
"always_hidden": false,
"hidden_if_empty": false,
"settings": {
"formatted": false
"field_id": 20,
"external_id": "notes",
"slug": "notes",
"label": "Notes",
"type": "text",
"field_type": "multi_text",
"config": {
"label": "Notes",
"slug": "notes",
"description": "Notes about the contact.",
"required": false,
"always_hidden": false,
"hidden_if_empty": false,
"settings": {
"formatted": true

Update an App's field order


Update an existing app's field order. The request body contains the following fields:

  • fields (optional): An array of fields to update the position for within the request. The field_id of the fields to be reordered needs to be provided. Specify a full list of all fields to set a dedicated field order.

Here is an example request body for updating the fields of the previously created contacts app, moving the notes field to the first position.

➡️    Request

curl -X PUT \
-u user_key_replace_with_your_api_key: \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data '{
"fields": [
"field_id": 20
"field_id": 3
"field_id": 4
⬅️    Response
"app_id": 1,
"workspace_id": 1,
"slug": "contacts",
"name": "Contacts",
"item_name": "Contact",
"description": "A simple contact app.",
"position": 0,
"config": {
"description": "A simple contact app.",
"item_name": "Contact",
"name": "Contacts",
"icon": {
"type": "graphic",
"id": "person"
"fields": [
"field_id": 20,
"external_id": "notes",
"slug": "notes",
"label": "Notes",
"type": "text",
"field_type": "multi_text",
"config": {
"label": "Notes",
"slug": "notes",
"description": "Notes about the contact.",
"required": false,
"always_hidden": false,
"hidden_if_empty": false,
"settings": {
"formatted": true
"field_id": 3,
"slug": "first_name",
"label": "First Name",
"type": "text",
"field_type": "single_text",
"config": {
"label": "First Name",
"slug": "first_name",
"description": "The first name of the contact.",
"required": true,
"always_hidden": false,
"hidden_if_empty": false,
"settings": {
"formatted": false
"field_id": 4,
"external_id": "last_name",
"slug": "last_name",
"label": "Last Name",
"type": "text",
"field_type": "single_text",
"config": {
"label": "Last Name",
"slug": "last_name",
"description": "The last name of the contact.",
"required": true,
"always_hidden": false,
"hidden_if_empty": false,
"settings": {
"formatted": false

Delete an App


Deleting an existing app. ATTENTION: This action cannot be undone. All records and fields will be deleted as well.

➡️    Request

curl -X DELETE \
-u user_key_replace_with_your_api_key: