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Retrieve workspaces


Retrieve all workspaces that you have access to (inside the active user organization with ID 1337):

➡️    Request
curl \
-u user_key_replace_with_your_api_key:
⬅️    Response
"total": 2,
"workspaces": [
"workspace_id": 1,
"name": "Task management",
"slug": "task-management",
"type": "closed",
"description": "Manage all tasks and projects inside this workspace.",
"org_id": 1337
"workspace_id": 2,
"name": "Contact directory",
"slug": "contact-directory",
"type": "default",
"description": "Keep track of our contacts here.",
"org_id": 1337

Create a workspace


Create a new workspace:

➡️    Request
curl -X POST \
-u user_key_replace_with_your_api_key:\
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data '{
"name": "Task management",
"type": "closed",
"description": "Manage all tasks and projects inside this workspace."

The created workspace will be returned in the response:

⬅️    Response

"workspace_id": 1,
"name": "Task management",
"slug": "task-management",
"type": "closed",
"description": "Manage all tasks and projects inside this workspace.",
"org_id": 1337
Workspace type

The type property to create workspaces needs to be one of "closed", "open", "default" and "private". This corresponds to the workspace types documented in the help center.

Update a workspace


Update an existing workspace via its ID:

➡️    Request
curl -X PUT \
-u user_key_replace_with_your_api_key:\
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data '{
"name": "Task management (NEW)",
"type": "closed",
"description": "Manage all tasks and projects inside this NEW workspace."

The updated workspace will be returned in the response:

⬅️    Response

"workspace_id": 1,
"name": "Task management (NEW)",
"slug": "task-management-new",
"type": "closed",
"description": "Manage all tasks and projects inside this NEW workspace.",
"org_id": 1337

Delete a workspace


Delete a workspace via its ID:

➡️    Request
curl -X DELETE \
-u user_key_replace_with_your_api_key:\
-H "Content-Type: application/json"

The deleted workspace will be returned in the response:

⬅️    Response

"workspace_id": 1,
"name": "Task management (NEW)",
"slug": "task-management-new",
"type": "closed",
"description": "Manage all tasks and projects inside this NEW workspace.",
"org_id": 1337

Retrieve workspace members


Retrieve all workspace members for a given workspace:

➡️    Request
curl \
-u user_key_replace_with_your_api_key:
⬅️    Response
"workspace_members": [
"workspace_id": 1,
"user_id": 10000,
"role": "'admin",
"workspace_id": 1,
"user_id": 10001,
"role": "'member",

Add a workspace member


Add an existing organization user to a given workspace. If the user is already a member, the role will be updated according to the provided input.

➡️    Request
curl -X POST \
-u user_key_replace_with_your_api_key: \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data '{
"user_id": 10002,
"role": "admin"

⬅️    Response
"workspace_id": 1,
"user_id": 10002,
"role": "'admin"
User Workspace Role

The role property to add members needs to be one of "admin", "member" and"guest". This corresponds to the workspace organization roles documented in the help center.

Remove a workspace member


Remove a workspace member from a given workspace. Note that the user will continue to exist in the organization.

➡️    Request
curl -X DELETE{userId} \
-u user_key_replace_with_your_api_key:

⬅️    Response
"workspace_id": 100,
"user_id": 10002,
"role": "'admin"



Currently it is not possible to change the type of a workspace via the API. Be sure to properly create workspaces with the desired type.