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Checklist Field Value

A checklist field value consists of its value property which holds one or multiple checklist entries. An entry contains a title a description, an assignee, and a due_at property. It further includes a boolean completed status indicating whether that individual entry has been completed.

due_at will be a date or datetime, depending on the data. More details on date and datetime strings can be found here.

The assignee has to be a user inside the same organization. Use the user_id as assignee when updating or creating entries.

Record creation


A checklist field value can be created as part of a record creation. It is possible to provide either a string, a checklist entry object or an array of those two. It is advised to use an array of objects for the best accuracy of the provided data.

Here is an example request body for creating a record with a value for the "Subtasks" field with ID 2, type checklist and external ID subtasks :

➡️    Request
curl -X POST  \
-u user_key_replace_with_your_api_key: \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data '{
"fields": {
"title": "Clean the kitchen",
"description": "Please do not forget the sink.",
"due": "2022-03-15"
"title": "Tidy up the living room",
"due": "2022-03-15 15:00"
⬅️    Response
"record_id": 1,
"title": "Tape Technologies GmbH",
"fields": [
"field_id": 2,
"external_id": "subtasks",
"label": "Subtasks",
"type": "checklist",
"field_type": "checklist",
"values": [
"id": 300,
"title": "Clean the kitchen",
"description": "Please do not forget the sink.",
"due": "2022-03-15",
"completed": false,
"completed_at": null,
"assignee": {
"user_id": 600,
"mail": ["[email protected]"],
"image": null,
"name": "Dan Jacob",
"org_id": 1,
"type": "user"
"id": 301,
"title": "Tidy up the living room",
"description": "",
"due": "2022-03-15 15:00",
"completed": false,
"completed_at": null,
"assignee": null

Note that the individual checklist entries contain an ID. Be sure to include them in updates, to keep existing checklist entries and to update them. If you omit the ID, new entries will be created instead and the respective existing ones will be removed.

Record retrieval


A checklist field value can be retrieved as part of a record retrieval:

➡️    Request
curl \
-u user_key_replace_with_your_api_key:
⬅️    Response
"record_id": 1,
"title": "Tape Technologies GmbH",
"fields": [
"field_id": 2,
"external_id": "subtasks",
"label": "Subtasks",
"type": "checklist",
"field_type": "checklist",
"values": [
"id": 300,
"title": "Clean the kitchen",
"description": "Please do not forget the sink.",
"due": "2022-03-15",
"completed": false,
"completed_at": null,
"assignee": {
"user_id": 600,
"mail": ["[email protected]"],
"image": null,
"name": "Dan Jacob",
"org_id": 1,
"type": "user"
"id": 301,
"title": "Tidy up the living room",
"description": "",
"due": "2022-03-15 15:00",
"completed": false,
"completed_at": null,
"assigne": null

Record update


One or more checklist field values can be updated as part of a record update, and individual entries can be updated via their ID. Here is an example request body for updating the entries of a checklist field with external ID subtasks of a record, reassigning the first entry to another user and marking the second as completed:

➡️    Request
curl -X PUT  \
-u user_key_replace_with_your_api_key: \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data '{
"fields": {
"id": 300,
"title": "Clean the kitchen",
"description": "Please do not forget the sink.",
"due": "2022-03-15",
"completed": false,
"assignee": 601
"id": 301,
"title": "Tidy up the living room",
"description": "",
"due": "2022-03-15 15:00",
"completed": true
⬅️    Response
"record_id": 1,
"title": "Tape Technologies GmbH",
"fields": [
"field_id": 2,
"external_id": "subtasks",
"label": "Subtasks",
"type": "checklist",
"field_type": "checklist",
"values": [
"id": 300,
"title": "Clean the kitchen",
"description": "Please do not forget the sink.",
"due": "2022-03-15",
"completed": false,
"completed_at": null,
"assignee": {
"user_id": 601,
"mail": ["[email protected]"],
"image": null,
"name": "Luke Walker",
"org_id": 1,
"type": "user"
"id": 301,
"title": "Tidy up the living room",
"description": "",
"due": "2022-03-15 15:00",
"completed": true,
"completed_at": "2022-03-15 14:55",
"assigne": null